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Wee Stinker 36 john 19th March 2018, 20:28
» by malone
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 8 ollyblue 19th March 2018, 20:25
» by malone
Times jumbo 1313 2 jerryfitz 19th March 2018, 19:37
» by malone
EV 1320 34 jigjag 19th March 2018, 17:15
» by crassnsilly
Peer review 325 93 mattrom 19th March 2018, 15:47
» by paul
Old DM cryptic 3 darleydave 19th March 2018, 14:40
» by darleydave
TV Programme 4 quizmad 19th March 2018, 14:38
» by rossim
ST4790 2 63acornwall 19th March 2018, 14:30
» by 63acornwall
i Cryptic 2218 12 diablos 19th March 2018, 11:35
» by ratslice
Today's EV 19 galfridus 19th March 2018, 11:29
» by jigjag
Irish News 3 rossword 19th March 2018, 10:35
» by shooty
Found at Amusement Park./Funfair 3 flambelle 19th March 2018, 10:33
» by flambelle
S/mail £100 crossword 2 jinty 19th March 2018, 09:43
» by jinty
Times Jumbo 1313 - Cryptic 10 bear of lb 19th March 2018, 09:22
» by elle
Express & Star Cryptic 17/03/2018 3 wynneaway 19th March 2018, 09:20
» by wynneaway
S/mail £100 crossword 2 jinty 19th March 2018, 09:19
» by jinty
Daily Mail Tues 13th stuck on 3 words 7 duffy 19th March 2018, 09:17
» by rossim
The Week crossword 1098 1 tinkertony 19th March 2018, 08:06
» by rusty
Times 26988 11 bigdave1954 18th March 2018, 23:06
» by pigale
Honshu 3 cbp 18th March 2018, 23:06
» by cbp
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