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irish news??? 3 anneb 1st August 2009, 14:47
» by jimc
irish news??? 1 anneb 1st August 2009, 13:13
» by bullfrog
D. Tel. 25996 3 jimbo 1st August 2009, 12:17
» by jimbo
HELP PLEASE! 1 linton 1st August 2009, 12:13
» by mamya
Crossword Clue 3 michelle 1st August 2009, 11:53
» by robert
DT25996 1st Aug. 3 tony 1st August 2009, 09:20
» by celadon
The 70's quiz 9 chuckle 1st August 2009, 09:16
» by celadon
DT.25,995 FRI. 31/07 3 geo. 1st August 2009, 08:28
» by yoshik
canberra times gemini cryptic 4 poppy 1st August 2009, 05:11
» by the joker
Macmillan places where we live 2 yorkgirl 31st July 2009, 20:37
» by york girl
Time 3 billie 31st July 2009, 17:08
» by billie
anagram 3 billie 31st July 2009, 17:07
» by celadon
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 31st July 2009, 15:27
» by harrhy
1970's quiz 15 barnaby 31st July 2009, 14:26
» by barnaby
Express Crusader Crossword 3 bob 31st July 2009, 13:12
» by bob
Local quiz. 4 john (from arran) 31st July 2009, 09:24
» by john (from arran)
Sat Times 24287 4 jim 31st July 2009, 09:08
» by jim
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 6 pooksahib 31st July 2009, 07:34
» by pooksahib
crowd 2 fran 31st July 2009, 02:38
» by fran
RT 31 2 butterfly 31st July 2009, 00:35
» by butterfly
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