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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Daily Express Cryptic Crossword 22/09/09 4 tillymica 22nd September 2009, 16:54
» by mamie
D. EXPRESS CRYPTIC 22/09/09 1 tillymica 22nd September 2009, 16:32
» by teacher1
d.mail help!!! 4 gerry 22nd September 2009, 14:42
» by gerry
jumbo 835 2 juill 22nd September 2009, 14:30
» by aljanon
sundat times 4347 6 jane brown 22nd September 2009, 13:32
» by mgm
can't find the answer 8 pat 22nd September 2009, 12:27
» by pat
D Rec 2 bryan 22nd September 2009, 12:19
» by bryan
still stuck 7 fred 22nd September 2009, 12:07
» by fred
Struggling with The Week Prize - for weeks! 4 justine taylor 22nd September 2009, 12:03
» by justine taylor
please help 3 sue 22nd September 2009, 11:39
» by mamya
stuck 1 ali 22nd September 2009, 11:28
» by mamya
Ditloid 3 quizaddict 22nd September 2009, 11:25
» by celadon
STUCK 5 trisha 22nd September 2009, 11:01
» by sarumite
help 4 fred 22nd September 2009, 11:00
» by fred
The Week 664 2 chaz 22nd September 2009, 09:15
» by aljanon
Jumbo 835 2 ruthie 22nd September 2009, 08:57
» by ruthie
Jumbo 835 Cryptic 5 sb 22nd September 2009, 08:11
» by sb
Irish News--stuck on the last one 17 sean 22nd September 2009, 01:44
» by trevor
Times Sat 24335 7 jim 21st September 2009, 23:31
» by joemack
wee stinker 21 norm 21st September 2009, 22:22
» by sarumite
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