fao ANN
Thank you for your nice message on RT49 which I had some difficulty in extricating from the long lists of leesser crossword windows.So it's here's a hand ma trusty frier across this frozen waste(waist) which is the central belt of Scotland,and lang may yer lum reek and hope your larder is well stocked so I can say "Ye'll have had yer tea?"
I'm very happy to say,everyone,that I am in proud possession of the Christmas edition of RT having just returned from a hazerdous expedition to the papershop so it's yaboo to all of you(Only joking!.I've been making do with Scotland on Sunday and a downloaded Guardian crossword but my heart hasn't been in them so I might make a start on RT51 tonight.60across clues and 58 down,that should keep me out of the way for a while.(Thank
goodnes, do I hear someone say, that'll shut up that garrulous old haggis basher for a while!)