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chummy mummy

27th November 2010, 23:59
24a Still struggling. H-B-E-A? I've read previous references, so HOB and RA, but..........?????
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28th November 2010, 00:09

chummy mummy

28th November 2010, 00:21
Thanks, greatly. Now I can sleep.
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28th November 2010, 03:43

'13'was a musical starring Elizabeth Gilles (hence my guess 'Eliza'). The number 13 may also be construed as the 'sequel'to the number 12. Flawed reasoning, no doubt, but it was an attempt.
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28th November 2010, 10:05
Morning All,

Need help with that whopper 15 letter 20a) Vote 1 - if on car it applied, example of 10? I have...
_ _ E _ T _ _ _ _ _ A _ I _ _

Could it be ELECTRO... something ?

Thanks in advance

ps. Just started snowing here !
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28th November 2010, 10:13
Elect+ anag of 1 (I) if on car it
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28th November 2010, 10:17

Of course it is. Maybe I should have a coffee and some food before attempting this first thing in the morning.

Many Thanks
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28th November 2010, 10:57
Only have 19d/25a to do. "Much of 11 on two Scots rivers points to set of tunnels" I have the 25a part of it, there is a tunnel of that name in Scotland and I think it is also the name of an 11a. But the 19d part has me stumped. Any ideas?
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28th November 2010, 11:54
25A is a collective for a set of tunnels, 19D the name of the inhabitant!
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28th November 2010, 14:02
19d 25a Think religious "minister" Scottish vernacular for two, generic abbreviation for river (twice) and (compass) points.

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