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george iii

26th November 2010, 10:30
You missed off the "so there!" bit off the last sentence.

(I can almost hear the foot stamping from here)

I only used the football analogy to keep it as simple as possible.
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26th November 2010, 10:51
George III? Is he the won who was mad and whose reign was blighted by many wars/battles?
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george iii

26th November 2010, 11:26
That's me!

(Someone who knows history - perhaps the British education system isn't so c**p after all!)
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26th November 2010, 14:50
I see that Shazam has made his usual contribution
to a thread. Utterly irrelevant, puerile rubbish.
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the joker

26th November 2010, 16:50
Also horrendous spelling Terry.
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26th November 2010, 18:11
Gee, sorry The Goker and Terri! Haven't you ever heard of typos? Anyway, I just thought GIII is a bit mad, judging by his "warlike" comments on this thread. Lighten up a bit guys. I'll now return to being Billy Batson.
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26th November 2010, 18:43
If typos turn you on Billy is it OK if I call you Batshit.

P.S. Going out now so no further remarks from me tonight.
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