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25th November 2010, 17:23
A very warm (well, it would have to be at this time of year) welcome wee jock. A person after my own heart with regard to rules for completing the crossword. Although, as I have confessed on this thread before, I do occasionally get help on TV questions from my "teenage" children!!
By the way..... did you mean serendipity?
Welcome, NIMROD.
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25th November 2010, 17:59
Old gal - just for the record I traipse to the shop each week for the RT.

Others - Re 4d is it really that bad? The overall answer for the first word of the clue is ok. to have 'up' on high and 'ef' for notes seems alright and the 'in the filthy place' certainly is one so I guess my take on it is that I've seen a lot worse.
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charlies human

25th November 2010, 18:57
Good Evening Everybody - I too buy my RT from my local shop and I put off the pleasure of doing the Crossword until the end of the week. Wee Jock, I am like you; I followed this thread for a long time before posting anything myself, just for the pleasure of the conversation. [Incidentally, I've spent a lot of time In Scotland and it is definitely one of my soul's Resting Places. But that is by the bye.] As far as the crossword is concerned, I've not done it yet this week, but last week I did it very quickly although I didn't enjoy it very much. I hope that I get used to the mindset of the New Compiler because I do want to enjoy my little piece of mental tussling.
Greetings to you all and who knows, I may yet need your help this week.
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wee jock

25th November 2010, 19:22
Thanks Nimrod(you Mighty Hunter)for your warm welcome and for the spelling correction.Put it down to my "stupididy"and ARMD.
In the absence of teenage children(mine are much older and have flown the nest)I rely on The Penguin TV Companion published 2001 when Iget stuck.You should get a copy,if possible.
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25th November 2010, 20:05
Snap, Wee Jock! I have the Second Edition, published in 2003, and I too recommended it some months ago.
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25th November 2010, 21:38
Thanks wee jock (yes, according to the Good Book, Nimrod was a mighty hunter!) & Caravaggio. I will invest in the Penguin TV Companion book but keep it as a reserve, as my ignorance of TV sitcoms does provide me with a starting point of conversation with my grown up teenagers!
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26th November 2010, 16:08
Welcome to wee jock. I too come from Scotland so was glad to see you join us especially as John d`Arran has had to leave unfortunately. So far that makes 3 of us if Mandala lives in Aberdeen.

I also walk to the corner shop to get my RTs.

Got on slowly this week as usual. Four left to get -
like Chris4food I can`t get 16A having tried all known sauce, boat or Oxford connections.

18A Ten only, ship to all-round musician (11)

22A like some others - Italy arranged to capture Dr. Love with expertise (8)

13d moth eventuall;y hearing boy with a shortened table (09)

Any help gratefully received.

Philip I hope you are still enjoying the sunshine State. We are all cold here.
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26th November 2010, 16:32
Hi Mondrian - here's my attempt at help:

18A Ten only, ship to all-round musician (11)

What letter can represent 10 + anagram of 'only ship to' = musician.

22A like some others - Italy arranged to capture Dr. Love with expertise (8)

Letters of Italy arranged around abbreviated 'doctor love'

13d moth eventually hearing boy with a shortened table (09)

First part sounds like name of boy + a + word for table (not one you sit at) with the last letter removed (i.e. shortened).

Re 16A having tried all known sauce, boat or Oxford connections.

Its a sauce and there was a very good clue in one of the earlier postings.

Hope that helps. Good luck.

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26th November 2010, 16:41
Hi All,
Mondrian,just nipped off to fetch my RT to see if I could help.Now see Crypto beat me to it!
Just for your head count I'm also a Scot!
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26th November 2010, 16:42
Crypto - thank you very much. Regret to say I did cheat for 16A and 18A by looking on Quick Solve as I thought nobody else would be on the computer at this time of day - restricted to library opening hours - so probably wouldn`t be back till Monday. However you have given me something to think about for 22A and 13D.

Mandala What does `YMMV` mean? On your previous post.
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