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25th November 2010, 13:46
Thanks for your help re 33A. I was thinking that
that particlar capital had to appear somewhere.
Could you please confirm that there are 10 in all as you have stated previously. I have now solved all the clues but so far I am only coming up with 9 capitals:
1 in column 2
2 in column 4
1 in 6
1 in 7
1 in 8
2 in 10
1 in 11
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25th November 2010, 13:50
Hi Newboy - My 10 are
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25th November 2010, 19:00
Hi Tony.
I have just got back in from work and I must say that it was uplifting to see a reply to my previous query waiting for me. Thank you for taking the trouble to list all the treated clues. I had missed the 6D one as this was one of the first clues I managed to solve but at that stage I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. All my other ones agree with yours.
If you are sending in an entry may I wish you good luck. Thanks again
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25th November 2010, 19:37
Sorry,folks. I am back again.
Just dotting my i's and crossing my t's before sending off my entry.
Although I have the answer to 22A I am not sure of the word-play. The pirate captain I am thinking of is William Fly but with SY (for Seychelles) I now have 2 Y's. S however seems to be the redundant letter. Can anyone explain this one?
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25th November 2010, 19:42
The penny has dropped. It is Captain Flint of course.
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25th November 2010, 19:57
Newboy -Before sending your entry off don't forget to do what the extra letters demanded.

Pleased to be able to help
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25th November 2010, 20:31
I won't forget, Tony. I have a great big black felt-tipped pen to hand!
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