OK, let's start with my clue for 20A. Take one of the points of the compass (N, S, E or W) from the letters of "bang a dry eel" and mix them up to make a phrase meaning "generally".
Hi old gal,re 19a) anagram of bandy(Then a name for the what was the other name for a comedy duo).Hope that helps.
23)Pence (coppers}+in+t
19) You would not wont a bald one (or two)
Tracey, the point of this thread is that users do not want the answer.just a clue,however badly put,as a help towards the solution. What's the harm with that?x
Old Gal, we will continue to offer help and "banter" as we muddle through the week. I, personally would miss your contributions & questions to this thread! Hope to hear from you next week!!