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24th March 2025, 19:11
Got it now, thanks.
11 of 16  -   Report This Post


25th March 2025, 08:12
Yes, very clever!
12 of 16  -   Report This Post

jack aubrey

25th March 2025, 09:41
I wasn’t going to number the clues and extract the message because the highlighting seemed obvious. But I started to count down entries and got to 3 when I realised that I had walked straight into the elephant trap. Thank you, Artix - and you can add a “gotcha’ to your score!
13 of 16  -   Report This Post


25th March 2025, 14:19
As always I'm a bit behind. I've a full grid and have numbered the cells form 1 to 40. My problem is that the preamble refers to 24 fully checked answers but I can find only 20. 5 in each quarter. I hope it won't give too much away but the ones I have in the N-W quarter are 16 across and 2, 3, 4 and 12 down. Given the symmetry of the grid a pointer in the right direction would help me with the other sections.
14 of 16  -   Report This Post


25th March 2025, 14:34
14 across
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25th March 2025, 14:41
Thank you Krauton. I know my eyesight isn't the best but I should have spotted that.
16 of 16  -   Report This Post
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