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22nd March 2025, 18:16
Just finished this but don't understand some of the parsings. Please can anyone help with the following? I've put my answers after the clues but would be very grateful for any clarification!

6a: Abnormally short street, one lacking smallest bit of illumination (7)

41a: Fixing of one series of races retrospectively stops trifling objections (12)

54a: Like some avenues I entered, doubtful about length (4-5)

10d: Imperious back's brief force in struggle for ball (9)

11d: Cheat chauffeur that goes round and round delivering Premium Bonds? (11)

27d: Going in just one direction, conserving energy for kicking (6)

33d: Close to bone in teaching, ignoring first instance of current assignment (11)
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22nd March 2025, 18:28
STUNTED is ST and then UNITED less the I - a bit of illumination

PEGGING around OF I TT reversed

Anagram of I ENTERED about L

STERN brief plus F for force all in MAUL (rugby)

SCREWDRIVER is a cryptic definition - it goes round and creates bonds

TOING with E in it

AT and then RIB in TUITION with the first I removed (current)

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22nd March 2025, 20:29
Thank you!
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24th March 2025, 13:38
Can anyone help parse 37d?

Quantity of work girl shoulders beginning to polish one large mirror'. (4,5)

Solution is PIER GLASS.

I can see a lot of the parsing but can't quite pull it together and don't get the 'quantity of work' reference.
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24th March 2025, 13:42
An erg is a measurement unit of work in physics. So it’s P (beginning to polish) + I (one) + ERG + LASS
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24th March 2025, 13:42
P(olish) I ERG (quantity of work) LASS
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24th March 2025, 13:43
The quantity of work is ERG. I think “shoulders” in this case means “supports”, this being a down clue. A pier glass is an old term for a large mirror.
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24th March 2025, 13:50
That’s spot on, tmwita. I should have included that
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24th March 2025, 14:17
Thanks everyone. I thought the definition was just 'mirror' so was confused by the 'large', which actually contains a lot of the letters in the solution. I was also hindered by my lack of familiarity with erg. Not something I remember from my O-level physics, but it was 50 years ago!
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24th March 2025, 14:21
Actually, zinc, you have a better chance of having coming across erg fifty years ago! The metre kilogram second system of units (SI) has the joule rather than the erg as the unit of energy. The joule is 10 million times bigger.
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