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9th March 2025, 17:24
Filled grid OK. No idea how to answer the question though. There are a fair few (9,6) things which might be right (it's a pangram, so "twentysix letters" would be fine until I counted the number of letters in letters). I'm guessing the colouring is probably symmetrical, but the only surname I can find (5 letters) means I have to work out why the fourth letter is what it is. I used to like Sundays ... A nudge would be welcome.
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9th March 2025, 17:26
I googled the question from the extra letters and the theme popped up immediately
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9th March 2025, 17:28
google the question, in quotes, plus the puzzle title...
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9th March 2025, 18:01
Thanks, guys. Why didn't I think of that?
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9th March 2025, 18:46
I've filled in the grid, shaded in the surname and the 17 cells. I've the answer to the question but don't know what to put
in the empty cell. Does the empty cell form part of a longer
word? Is it the first letter of the occupant of the area?

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9th March 2025, 18:57
If you cross off all the letters of the answer to the question inside the perimeter, there will be one left …
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jack aubrey

10th March 2025, 17:34
If that was an EV debut by Craft, it was a cracker. Some challenging clues and a brilliant endgame. (And, of course, I was flattered by the personal greeting in the first 6 letters of 1 a 😉)
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