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2nd March 2025, 22:51
This week's Azed is of the sort that I prefer over the frequent Gallicisms and very obscure words (though there are some of the latter). While the instructions may look complex, there is a simplifying factor. Essentially, each group of four clues contains four types - one normal and three that require modification involving a common letter in different ways. Thus once you have identified that letter from one type you know it for the others. The title also contains a heavy hint.
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3rd March 2025, 10:42
I've never attempted Azed before, and I loved it! Sounds like this one might not be typical though.
I'm stuck on 20d. Got a word that fits, but can't see why despite wading through chambers?
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3rd March 2025, 10:59
Hi Ish

Defn is the papal bit. The sloth is a word of two vowels beloved of crossword compilers. The theme letter is removed here.
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3rd March 2025, 11:08
Thanks so much!! Got it, phew. I'll be back for more of that.
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3rd March 2025, 18:02
Almost there - just stuck on the 4th letter of 19A... There's an answer that sounds plausible and definitely satisfies the "fish" bit, but I can't find it as a two-word term in Chambers so I'm wondering if I've gone wrong somewhere.
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3rd March 2025, 18:20
The 3-letter fish is letters 5, 6, 7, inside an alternate spelling of a dialect word meaning a trench for carrying water. Entire answer is 2 words in the Chambers app.
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3rd March 2025, 18:25
I should say the 5-letters mean trenchES, plural.
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3rd March 2025, 18:40
Fab - thank you, buddy - think I've cracked it now! I'd got the first 2 letters of 20D wrong despite coming up with an answer that made sense both in terms of the wordplay and the def.

Now to try to think up a clue for 14D...
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