I don't like the theme, but I think it's a little unfair to call it 'obscure'! Mention of it was everywhere for a while and we're bound to have even more when the film version appears.
Thanks, BuzzyBee. Yes. I can see why it'd be 'not so familiar' in the remote Antipodes, but the title (ie the person) seemed to be very well received on a whirlwind tour over there.
Delighted with myself I got all the letters in the grid and worked out the theme.
However what does "Solver must highlight the singletons missing moniker hidden in the completed grid" mean?
Hi 1234matt
There are four characters involved. Three have both names mentioned in unclued solutions, but the fourth has only one. However, the missing name appears elsewhere.
There's one thematic entry in the grid that has only a surname - all the others have forenames too. You just need to highlight the (short) forename - and there's a helpful reference in a numbered/clued clue.