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20th February 2025, 03:32
As often seems to be the case with Doc these days, clues themselves not too challenging but an obscure theme that I had never heard of.
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20th February 2025, 07:29
I don't like the theme, but I think it's a little unfair to call it 'obscure'! Mention of it was everywhere for a while and we're bound to have even more when the film version appears.
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20th February 2025, 08:37
Ah maybe Malone
For those of us in the remote Antipodes not so familiar.
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20th February 2025, 08:50
Thanks, BuzzyBee. Yes. I can see why it'd be 'not so familiar' in the remote Antipodes, but the title (ie the person) seemed to be very well received on a whirlwind tour over there.
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20th February 2025, 09:31
Am from the remote Antipodes and have read it- thought it was well known here!
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20th February 2025, 11:19
Sadly, it is all too well-known here in the U.K…
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20th February 2025, 14:51
The title gave away the theme immediately.
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23rd February 2025, 18:20
Delighted with myself I got all the letters in the grid and worked out the theme.
However what does "Solver must highlight the singletons missing moniker hidden in the completed grid" mean?
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23rd February 2025, 18:30
Hi 1234matt
There are four characters involved. Three have both names mentioned in unclued solutions, but the fourth has only one. However, the missing name appears elsewhere.
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23rd February 2025, 18:30
There's one thematic entry in the grid that has only a surname - all the others have forenames too. You just need to highlight the (short) forename - and there's a helpful reference in a numbered/clued clue.
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