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16th February 2025, 18:58
I`m lucky to live a mile away from Potteric Carr nature reserve - it`s a wetland area so you will find all the usual suspects there, plus kingfishers, heron and bittern. Even nearer is Lakeside where great crested grebe live - they were doing their courtship dance recently. The area is very popular with walkers as there is a shopping outlet, leisure centre and Keepmoat Stadium close by. I`m not a twitcher but like to know what birds I`m looking at - recently there were fieldfare in the adjacent farmer`s field and I`ve spotted grey wagtails - there are many dykes and drains in the area.
71 of 87  -   Report This Post


16th February 2025, 19:10
Try this one ...
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16th February 2025, 19:10
Well done geting and thanks tyke for hosting
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16th February 2025, 19:13
Nice. Many thanks for the votes everyone and thanks for hosting, Tyke. I couldn't play the Churchill video either but enjoyed the others, especially the grebes. Still several weeks to go before there will be any billing and cooing hereabouts
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16th February 2025, 19:18
The new link worked for me, ta.
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16th February 2025, 19:34
I've been to Potteric Carr - some friends live at Scrooby, not too far away. I particularly remember the horseflies!

We have commented to each other that we haven't seen any winter thrushes at all this year - usually we see lots of redwings and fieldfares. A bit worrying.

Also, last year between New Year and Easter the commonest birds in our garden were siskins, superseding goldfinches. We saw the first one this year three days ago!
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16th February 2025, 20:19
I know Scrooby - had a nice meal in the Pilgrim Fathers many years ago. I thought last summer there were fewer insects than usual - tough times for birds.
There's been a good 4 part tv doc featuring a year of Yorkshire wildlife - great footage of Bempton Cliffs and Malham - still available I imagine.
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16th February 2025, 20:31
Very nice, geting. Thanks for hosting, tyke, and for the votes, chrise and wil.
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16th February 2025, 20:36
Yes, there has been a lot of interest in the Peregrine Falcons nesting actually on Malham Cove.
I've been to Bempton Cliffs just the once. Spectacular cliff birds, and there was a visiting Shore Lark, with only a couple of twitchers taking an interest.
That reminds me of a visit we made to a coastal nature reserve in Hampshire. We were looking at a bird on the shingle. A passing woman asked us what it was. "Snow bunting" I said. "Oh" she said " that's what all those twitchers over there (pointing about 400 meters away) are looking for!".
Apparently the first ever county record.
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16th February 2025, 20:39
[Malham isn't all that far from us, so we know the area well.]
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