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14th February 2025, 19:23
Great clue Geeker
Thanks Aristo
91 of 97  -   Report This Post


14th February 2025, 19:39
Congratulations Geeker, nicely done. Thank you Aristo and thanks for the mentions Chris, Tyke and Geeker
92 of 97  -   Report This Post


14th February 2025, 21:03
Congratulations geeker and thanks to Aristophanes for hosting.
93 of 97  -   Report This Post


14th February 2025, 22:41
Well done, Geeker! I appreciated your vote, and those from SS and Spike - also the likes from Chrise and Raffles. Thank you, Aristo, for the challenge and the clips.
94 of 97  -   Report This Post


14th February 2025, 23:22
Big surprise! Grateful to geting, eider, fieryjack and amej for the votes, and to raffles for the mention.

Just got home from work. It was a strong field and I didn't check results earlier, not expecting to score highly.

Thanks to aristo for hosting and prizes. I live in NY State, the Corning museum is about 175 miles away and in a nice area, but I've never visited. I once visited the Waterford glassworks in Ireland and saw glassblowing and other demos. The Sainte Chapelle video is great!
95 of 97  -   Report This Post


15th February 2025, 00:58
Congrats, geeker. Sorry I overlooked your clue as I was voting. It is certainly worthy. Thanks, aristo.
96 of 97  -   Report This Post


15th February 2025, 02:12
Congrats Geeker. Thanks Aristo for hosting.

Thanks Chris - your likes didn’t go unnoticed. Maybe you’ve hit the nail in the head: perhaps my clues are too parochial? Not everybody knows there’s a (claimed) glass and a half of milk in every bar of Cadburys (and, there’s a fair few Hersheys here!).

The other clue: I couldn’t resist convoluted crap, literally😉

Thanks also to Geting - much appreciate the mention.

My earlier mention of another like was in relation to my ultimate clue - not one, but two types of glass, wired and tempered, used to great effect (or so I thought).

[notes to self, not everybody knows:
The Fat Slags
That a half pint in Ireland is a glass
Waterford Glass (except Geeker, who may have seen a man blowing a flute😳)
As many types of glass as me]

Aristo - my fedora is twice the quality😜 didn’t Stetson steal the name from Christys 😉

Any recommendations for a sauce - I suppose something tomato based / Italian?
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