This puzzle seemed much more difficult than previous ones, and I notice there is a new setter who calls him or herself Balatro, who may be a temporary replacement for the usual setter known as Auctor.
With the help of the clever people at Danword I have completed it but don't fully understand a lot of the clues and answers provided. I would be interested to hear from any Latin scholars who can enlighten me. I will give just one example, 21across, the clue is "Post far atrum abrasum reperitur vomer". The answer I am told is aratrum, which means "plough". The clue I think means "after the husked grain is scraped off the ploughshare is discovered". So I wonder why this should lead one to the answer given. It would be helpful to a new setter to have some feedback from readers, and I suggest any such quotations are identified so that we can look them up and get the context which will help translation.