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15th December 2024, 12:34
28 down: 'Alternate bits of sphere on heraldic fur'. It seems to me that the wordplay does not match the definition - the wordplay suggests one thing for the third letter, while the definition would give a different letter. Would welcome others' thoughts on this.

Also 32 across: the solution is described as comprising 3 words, but I would only call it two.
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15th December 2024, 13:18
Yes, both slight errors, I think - totally missed the wrong word count (also missed the alt spelling for 3 not being given for 2) .
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jack aubrey

15th December 2024, 13:28
Apart from the glitches - unusual for the normally ultra-precise Mr Crowther - it seemed an unusually easy Azed, with most clues being very straightforward. Or was I just having a lucky streak?
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15th December 2024, 14:42
Thanks both. I agree it was an otherwise straightforward solve.
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15th December 2024, 14:51
The word count issue at 32a is more a difference of opinion than a mistake, since Azed has previously stated that an answer such as KWOK'S DISEASE could in his view be considered as two words or three.

Personally, I'm in the two word camp.
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21st December 2024, 10:19
Whatever I think on these questions, the main thing is to be consistent. "It's only a game" of course, but the game becomes very strange if the goalposts shift...and Azed sometimes needs to revisit his own pronouncements...?
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