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28th July 2024, 19:15
Congrats Paul, neatly done. Thanks Sam for hosting.
Thanks also to voters, esp Buddy and Chris for the 2s.
Cheers all
61 of 72  -   Report This Post


28th July 2024, 19:19
Well done Paul. Thanks Sam for hosting
62 of 72  -   Report This Post


28th July 2024, 19:36
Nice Paul. Thanks to Sam and voters.

Chris, we say tan because we mean tan.
63 of 72  -   Report This Post


28th July 2024, 19:45
But it's not an adjective in English, buddy!
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28th July 2024, 19:50
Tan:adjective: Having dark skin as a result of exposure to the sun or an artificial process intended to mimic this effect.

It is in American.
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28th July 2024, 19:55
it also appears to be in British, from the OED:

tan: adjective: Of the colour of tan or of tanned leather; of a yellowish or reddish brown; tawny; bronzed, sunburnt.
66 of 72  -   Report This Post


28th July 2024, 19:57
Divided by a common language! In English English it's either a noun or a verb (confirmed by Chambers).
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28th July 2024, 20:09
Cheers Sam! Thanks everyone fur the.votes! Spike - great birdbrains flock together…
68 of 72  -   Report This Post


28th July 2024, 21:13
Congratulations Paul - thanks to sam73 for hosting and the clips!
69 of 72  -   Report This Post


28th July 2024, 21:50
Good one, paul. Thanks for hosting, sam, and for the votes, tyke, spike, and geting.
70 of 72  -   Report This Post