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16th July 2024, 14:59
19a Sign of rank cheese not quite acceptable (7)
Looks like ‘chevron’.

27a Architect by awful housing left country’s main city (9)
Nashville. I can see the construction but don’t understand the definition.
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16th July 2024, 15:03
Nashville is country music's main city.... It's country as in style of music, not country as in a place.
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16th July 2024, 15:04
Chèvre is goat’s cheese. On is acceptable, as in “not on”.
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16th July 2024, 15:11
Thank you both.
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16th July 2024, 18:55
2d Stripped chair cover from chatelaine's dwelling (9). The answer looks like residence, but I can't parse it?
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16th July 2024, 18:58
(p)residen(t) c(hatelain)e
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