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8th July 2024, 19:47
SaturdayTimes 28,962

One short one I'm struggling to parse:

3D Overlook skinned cats. (4)

O _ I _

Looks like it's OMIT (which means 'overlook' at a pinch) but where do the 'skinned cats' fit in?
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8th July 2024, 19:50
Tom and Kit, both words for Cat - and lose their first letters?
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8th July 2024, 19:58
... Chambers gives one definition of Omit as 'to disregard', so the 'overlook' in the clue seems fine.
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8th July 2024, 20:12
I think it’s meant to be VOMITS with its “skin” removed as cat means vomit
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8th July 2024, 20:17
Candledave, thanks - that sounds much more likely!
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10th July 2024, 16:21
I wondered if that was it, but it seemed too tasteless for the Times.
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10th July 2024, 16:24
TreborNotLaw, we've had vomit (well, clued by 'cat') in the Times before!
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11th July 2024, 23:35
Then you've no excuse for missing it this time ;)
Did you see their "sign of the times" cryptic? I did very poorly at it!
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