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21st October 2010, 20:40
Not a clue. Must be a British thing. Is it political, or horse-oriented?
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21st October 2010, 20:43
Not finding this as easy as everyone else - but thrilled to see I am runner-up for #1984. Does anyone know if they allow multiple wins or make you wait a certain amount of time before you are eligible again?
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21st October 2010, 20:45
Congratulations Elizabeth

Zardoz - google triskelion - should put you on the right path
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21st October 2010, 21:30
Thanks ixion, for the hint.

Finally seeing the light after wandering around Sicily & Brittany for a while. ;-)

Congrats, Elizabeth.
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21st October 2010, 22:35
Elizabeth - I won 1984 , so now I send them in under my friend's name!

Where is AJT today??
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21st October 2010, 22:36
Sorry, meant 1981 not 1984! (The dates are the births of my children so they are familiar!!)
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21st October 2010, 23:06
Here I am. I finished it very early this morning, but have watched this thread intermittently over the day, watching progress - but it was a very easy one, wasn't it?
I've been watching Zardov, wondering how much help he wanted, as I don't suppose the title meant anything to him at all. I would imagine the signigicance doesn't stretch far beyond these shores.
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21st October 2010, 23:15
Glad to hear frpm you AJT. I shall be absent next week as we are off to Vienna for a break. Might have a go at the xwords when we get back on Sun 31st.
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21st October 2010, 23:45
Have a wonderful holiday, R
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22nd October 2010, 00:00
26a. Fruit syrup, only half-healthy. (3) r??
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