Well after last week, I enjoyed both Cryptics. It took me 10 minutes to do the quick cryptic (a bit slower than some, but somewhat longer to do the prize cryptic). But I have finished it in between getting the washing in etc. There are several clues I haven't quite parsed (10,11,14,1,4 and 5) though I'm sure of my answers and expect my friend to confirm and explain them tomorrow. 4d gave me the greatest doubt for the first 4 letters.
It is good to have the occasional easy puzzle and I liked the idea of the quick cryptic. Since I take the paper in hard copy I had no trouble finding it after we'd done the quick crossword over lunch.
Brendan, I agree with you that there is a bit of a green theme.
I too had trouble with Hugo at 5d!
And I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but good to get a dog (name, sex?).
I did finish last week's beast, filling in the last few on Easter Sunday. Even with that I had doubts about the parsing for one or two.
Now, I can get on with my book and my crochet!