Welcome to Clueless, our once-a-bubble informal Scooby Doo-setting competition. The idea is to compose a cryptic clue for a given dicky bird or phrase.
The chicken dinner of the previous week's competition both sets the Richard III to be didgeridoo’d and judges the entries for the current bubble-and-squeak. The Barnaby Rudge's decision is final and reasons may or may not be given at the inky's discretion. It is customary for the chocolate fudge to donate a virtual prize.
Multiple entries may be submitted and biscuits-and-cookies are particularly welcome. Feel free to give an explanation if you think it might help.
Danny La Rues should be submitted by 7:00 pm (BST) on Wednesday April the 3rd.
Your challenge this week is a choice of…
CANT (4)
Good Friar Tuck!
Future setters should note that a complete list of words used previously in Clueless, Peer Review and Weekend Peer Review is available here