I have the full conundrum, 3 answers & abbreviation - now what do I do? something to do with blacking out 30 letters?
Thank you for any offers of help.
re: "Hit smashing leman" with a superfluous 'M'. Could this be elan ... anagram of 'le(m)an'? I realise it doesn't fit two of your given letters so I may be way off course.
Sounds good to me Harrhy!
Can you help me with
21a Load a conveyance for Walter. The definition part has is RA?T (if my letters are correct!), the cryptic part has the extra letter "L"
Thanks for your help
Of course! Thanks AJT - knew it had to be raft but couldn't connect Walter - I was thinking of a person called Walter!! This is a good crossword - comes in the Independent magazine on Saturdays (a friend gave me this one). This one was a bit harder than the average spectator.