With all votes in, we have a tie with 2 votes each for mattrom 4 and dorrien 11. To break the tie, I counted likes, and there mattrom ran away with it, getting 3. Hence the gold goes to mattrom's 4:
Zorro decapitated in hard right atrocity (6)
Congrats mattrom (and dorrien) and thanks to all for playing.
The horror:
Scary even though you know something's coming:
Scary just listening:
Re clip 1, if you are an obsessive fan of Apocalypse Now, and have 15 minutes to spare, this is a send-up that seems to have had a budget of $12, but skewers many aspects of the film (and the director) quite nicely:
Star Wars gets the same treatment (this was actually made first), but with a budget that may have approached $15:
One of the YouTube comments calls it "stupidly great" which I think sums it up nicely.