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20th September 2023, 18:09
Thank-you all for contributing this week. I thought the word choice was tough but you have lived up to the challenge. I enjoyed reading through the clues and have the following short list, all of which are worthy.

Baccy #22 Baccy's within easy reach of a fantasy (7)

Mattrom #21 Setter's bitten by expensive French/American crossbreed (7)

Paul #18 Tea I'm hesitating to swallow might cause hallucination (7)

Darla #16 Toll of the bell for sun god and mythical beast (7)

Paul #9 Troubled Crimea getting hot? It's a nightmare! (7)

Jono #7 Might this creature emerge from metaphorical transformation accompanied by Plato? (7)

So a tough choice....

Bronze to Baccy #22
Silver to Jono #7 very close to
Gold for Mattrom #21

Thanks to Jimmygtal a lesson in chirality:-

Congrats Mattrom, Thanks all.
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20th September 2023, 18:36
Thanks Dorrien, appreciate the silver, enjoyed the challenge and I always enjoy where certain words take you. The clip was a new concept for me. Congrats Mattrom!
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20th September 2023, 19:08
Well done Mattrom!
Enjoyed the challenge Dorrien ... and the interesting clip.
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20th September 2023, 19:20
Congrats mattrom and thanks dorrien.
Very important chiral molecules are nearly all the alpha-amino acids that make up proteins in living things. I wish I could draw the structures, but this will have to do:
The R is a side group. The carbon atom thus has 4 different groups attached, unless the side group is H, as in the simplest example, glycine - this isn't chiral.
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20th September 2023, 19:29
Well done Mattrom and cheers Dorrien! Didn’t think I had a ghost of a chance…
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20th September 2023, 19:33
Well done mattrom, and many thanks, dorrien, for hosting (and the bronze!).

Chirality eh? There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of . . .
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20th September 2023, 20:21
Thank you, Dorrien, for the challenge, the gold, and my prize. I thought it was a good word choice, and I've learnt something new. Till next week ...
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20th September 2023, 22:22
Well done mattrom. Thanks for hosting dorrien. Glad the chirality stimulated some interest. Very important piece of chemistry when synthesising drugs.
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20th September 2023, 22:28
Yes indeed. The thalidomide tragedy was a result of using the wrong enantiomer.
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