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16th July 2023, 12:06
HI roof, and everyone:

23d - Does "5's" refers to the answer to 5A? If so, I still can't see any 'ground' there. Or does 5's refer to the number. I find this baffling.
Of course I've used other tool here but nothing seems to work (and I have all the other clues so am not missing crossers).

7d - The previous post on 'Nice' doesn't refer to 'crossword compiler' which is sometimes 'me' but I'd appreciate a better hint.

Thank you.
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16th July 2023, 12:08
You should be able to edit posts!
I meant that I've used the tool for 7d - there aren't that many possibilities.
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16th July 2023, 12:10
hi jenneralissima
5a and 23d are intimately related!
7d is the compiler, as she would be in Nice.
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16th July 2023, 12:29
Thanks chrise. I'm still not seeing either. Rather than more hints here which might spoil it for others, I can wait for 225 and see what the explanations are.
Maybe I will 'see the light' later, I'll just let me brain work it in the background .
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16th July 2023, 12:38
Donc. Moi, je pense que je sais 7d, but not how it is "local spot". My SOD has a few defs, but none of them are even close. Mai, que peut-il fait d'autre?
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16th July 2023, 12:48
7d definition from Chambers…

noun (dialect and archaic)
A spot
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16th July 2023, 12:51
chambers has "spot" ( as in pimple, pfesumably) tucked away amongst the other definitions. it adds "dialect and archaic".
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16th July 2023, 12:51
Thanks, jono. Hmm, my SOD has 3 noun defs for it but none of them mean 'spot'. Wonder if I need to buy a Chambers as well?
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16th July 2023, 13:44
Thanks a lot Chris. Got it. :)
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16th July 2023, 15:41
jenna, if you're truly serious (compulsive?) about crosswords you probably do need to purchase Chambers. [Especially for barred puzzles like Azed, for which it's essential.]

I stubbornly do without, as I want crosswords to be a sporting hobby, but every so often I either have to go on faith (as with 7 today) or miss a solution altogether. I can generally tell when it's a matter of an obscure Chambers issue word, but the solution often escapes.

And I pass on Azed and the Chambers-intensive barred puzzles.
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