Hi Geeker, I didn't notice a theme (when do I ever!) but did notice a couple of actors and one allusion to an actor/pop star, coupled with 3,26 and 22a - is that what you meant?
This week's Prize is by Paul and, quite honestly, had me pulling my hair out. 🤬
Of course, all the problems were of my own making - I'd stupidly put the homophone rather than the definition as my answer to 9a, which had me wondering why Froch/Groves was a nemesis to a Scottish PM (this won't make any sense unless you make the same mistake as me and follow it on down the rabbit hole!)
Anyway, meltdown aside, i managed to get through the rest of it fairly quickly and pain free so am guessing it's at the easier end of the scale but, as Geeker brilliantly put it last week, YMMV (your mileage may vary). 😂
Actually, there are still 2 answers I haven't yet parsed, namely Geeker's COD 10a (I can see another actor's name along with 5d in it but nothing about rejection) and 23d with the bug, flower and mountain.
If you do get stuck there is a hidden in the acrosses (I know some of you had trouble spotting the one last week - it was in 26a) and a long anagram in the downs.
I'm not surprised Geeker had a bit of trouble with 13a as I'm not sure he's that well known outside these shores.
COD - A clear winner with 2,24 - Noble gong for little flapper? (7)
Thanks to Paul for a great start to the weekend:-)
Stay safe:-)