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10th March 2024, 15:46
Brendan might like this one: has a big bullet tournament every Saturday. In yesterday's event, the young Tanitolua Adewumi nailed bullet king Nakamura with the infamous "Lefong" trick.

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11th March 2024, 01:27
Thanks Geeker, that was way too fast for me but I still enjoyed it, and needless to say I'd never heard of the Lefong trick and had to look it up on Google:-)
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11th March 2024, 01:51
Brendan, I've posted this Lefong link before:
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19th March 2024, 23:26
Hi Geeker,

I sometimes watch a YouTuber called Penguinz0, he mainly does videos showing other absurd channels on the internet but this video is about how he managed to checkmate someone in 4 moves in the Pogchamps, and I remember you referring to them so thought you might get a kick out of watching it.

I know this mate is well known and it's amazing that anyone actually fell for it! It's pretty funny so here's the link:-
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19th March 2024, 23:46
Just for clarity, he's username in Pogchamps is "Moistcr1tikal'.
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20th March 2024, 02:38
Brendan, I do remember that checkmate being highly promoted on the Pogchamps.
But I must admit that I always found quite a few of the Pogchamps streamers extremely irritating, to the point of being unwatchable. And that "Moistcr1tikal" fellow is one of those I truly couldn't stand.

Granted I'm an old f**t, never played video games and can't relate to the Twitch/streamer culture.

BTW, I've been watching quite a bit of James (is it?), the EpicChess streamer. He's developed into quite a comedian.
In this recent video
at around 3:05 he coined (?) the term "the epic camel toe pawn formation", which had me truly ROFL.
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30th March 2024, 23:23
Two clues from today’s Times.

In the Listener (an extra letter is generated by the wordplay):

Bird round Spain protecting castles (6)

And in the Cryptic:

One dissenting from popular line plugged by chess authority (7)

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31st March 2024, 08:54
Interesting, quisling, as the Listener crossword is too hard for me and I haven't got round to Saturday's Times cryptic yet.

I think there must be a chess player among the setters. Federation Internationale D'echecs or Fide, the World Chess Federation, is fairly obscure general knowledge. I see INFIDEL but won't be wasting too much time on the Listener clue, though I guess it has OO in it for castles.
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31st March 2024, 09:05
PaulH, I’m very much a novice when it comes the Listener, but last week’s puzzle by Chalicea was very approachable if you wanted to start.
Like you I see INFIDEL but not the other clue… hmm
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31st March 2024, 11:02
Hi jono

I actually know one of the Listener setters, though I think he is very occasional. Peter Flippant, a friend at my local bridge club, has the handle Tnap (get it?). I got a fair way with the last one he set, solving most of the clues but unable to crack the theme.

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