Here are your results. We had a three-way tie for second with Buddy @5, Dorrien @10, and Mattrom @16 at two votes each. I note that all of these as well as the winner are short and sweet. The old expression less is more seems apt here. Just ahead is our winner, with three votes. In a triumphant return, is Big Bad Marty, with his
Leading front row forward (5)
Congratulations and welcome back, Marty. Enjoy your prizes.
I didn't have a particular frank or Frank in mind when I chose the word, but I did hear this on the radio last night, so
Except it was a different version I heard. When I saw Tyke's clue, I'm sure Spike was thinking I don't see why you're cluing Sid Vicious. I know I did. 😆 So here you go.
I played this on my radio show once and the station manager came in and said "Paul Anka called to complain."