Filed under the heading "Be careful what you wish for", this week we have 24 stellar clues from 10 spectacular setters, and I have to sort through them all! Yay!
This was a word that didn't allow much room for intricate wordplay (only one anagram) so I liked the efforts from tyke@3 with his drunken king; mattrom@9 and aristo@14 with different takes on M+ARCH; mprs@4 for the Ernst Mach reference and @29 for the destructive hobo; paul@24 and @25 with his protesters; and jono@23 and jimmy@28 for the hammy actors ("arsey while reciting" very nice jimmy; jono with another of his apparently limitless store of literary references).
Of the double def's, I appreciated mprs@11 for the backdoor Python reference; of the anagrams dorrien@15 nailed the only real reason for the entire month to exist.
I did like the Little Women references but ultimately felt that "sisters" were "Marches" and not "March".
With no rational basis for picking which of these is best, I went with my gut: dorrien@15 somehow knew exactly which button to push with his basketball-inspired clue, so he gets the gold with:
Charm perhaps in time of madness (5)
Madness indeed:
One of the great collegiate marching band traditions - what precision!:
One (yes, that one) from the March King: