Hello to all
How are you getting on with the Naughty Boy?
I only have the author's name.
Can some-one confirm the work has 11 letters beginning with M (although I can't find itin the grid).
How many letters are in each word of the quotation?
I don't seem to be getting anywhere despite having 3/4 of the grid filled - even Tony's advice re the quotation isn't helping! Presumably the title Naughty Boy should be giivng a clue - any further clues gratefully recieved!
Hi all. I'm struggling again as well. Ive a full grid and have been staring at it all day with no inspriration. I've looked over on answerbank and it seems that the title, or a trAnslation of the title bears some relevance. I just can't spot the naughty boy! I too would be grateful of a little guidance.many thanks.
Thanks Tony for your helpful hints.
I was thinking of the wrong play.
Laura the naughty boy seems to be last bit of the quotation if I can remember my French lessons of long ago.
Good luck to all