As usual, quite a variety of quality clues, putting a lot of pressure on me to choose the winner. I endeavored to sift through them all, and hopefully did not sprain my brain in the process.
On a first read-through I gave check-marks to a lot of clues including the anagrams of jono 8, paul 14 and 20 and simon 22; jono's alternating letters at 10; mattrom's hidden at 6; as well as jono 17; aristo 19; and jimmyg's medically dubious double def at 26. However for the ripped-from-the-headlines topicality I have to go with mattrom's hidden at 7:
Truss trainwreck involves tax
Trainwreck seems fine to me; a little googling reveals its not-uncommon usage in the UK press. "Dumpster fire" also seems to apply but wouldn't work for the clue, of course.
Congrats to mattrom and thanks to all for contributing.
Well, she
sounds sincere:
Geeks only:
Rhymes with "strain," anyway (the criminally underrated Ann Peebles is from St. Louis):