A short jigsaw-style puzzle if you fancy having a go.
Solutions should be entered into a blank 6x6 grid however they will fit. There are no blocked or barred cells. All solutions are 6 characters in length but detailed enumerations are omitted. The unclued light should be placed as it suggests.
1. Oddly agree to clear ring…
2. …of skin medic treated to suppress onset of rash
3. German lad, vegan perhaps…
4. …shedding pounds well with less cream
5. One man stewing with time constraints
6. Peaceful almost pleasant after rage
7. Chi-chi and Arabella did a little fencing back and forth
8. Drunk soak returning for transport to hospital?
9. American snakes around and about backing into scientists
10. 5 comes to town for Hilary
11. Two morsels - skinned fruit