I understand there has been discussion about Ads and Blank Spaces appearing WITHIN posts so I thought I would clarify the situation.
I received an email yesterday suggesting we set up a thread for Forum users to talk about the matter and offer solutions. The following is an extract from my reply which is self explanatory
“Ash recently changed ad companies and that is the source of the problem. Previously the ads were down the side but now they are appearing in multiple threads. There is nothing the Forum users can do about this, there’s no point in them offering solutions to a problem they cannot solve. We are fully aware of the issues and Ash will see what he can do about it.”
I would just clarify one point, you get a blank space if you have an Ad Blocker installed, you get an Ad if there is no Ad blocker. It’s an unfortunate fact of life that Ash needs the Ads to pay for the Crossword Solver Site in general and the Forum in particular.
I’m really sorry about the inconvenience this is causing and would ask you to please be patient, just bypass the ad\space whilst the matter is under perusal.