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Crossword Help Forum
Forum Rules

norah (admin)

25th September 2022, 08:24
PLEASE DO NOT START A NEW THREAD unless you have looked down the first page to see if a thread already exists for that particular crossword. If a thread exists, then please post your query in that thread. This policy helps to keep the first page free from duplicate threads on the same crossword.

"WHAT IS A DUPLICATE THREAD?" I have been asked to clarify what is meant by a Duplicate thread.

A new thread becomes a Duplicate Thread if it is posted when there is already a thread headed with your particular crossword on the first page of the Forum.

Let’s take an example, you have a query on the TIMES 28002 Crossword. The first thing to do is look down the first page of the Forum to see if there is a thread headed TIMES 28002. If there is, then please open that thread and post your query there.

If there isn’t a thread headed TIMES 28002 then by all means start one but please do not put clue numbers in the heading. The thread is for ALL CLUES on the TIMES 28002. You can ask as many questions on as many occasions as you wish in that particular thread. .

I hope this clarifies matters.
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