I sent an email to the DT about this and received the undernoted reply. Your attention, friends, is drawn to the final sentence.
"The Enigmatic variations puzzle is not the only puzzle that will not be on the new website, unfortunately not all puzzles are compatible.
"Unfortunately, the new website will not be producing the following PDF/print only puzzles:
-Enigmatic variations
-Saturday quick crossword
-Online only prize crossword
"There will also be no leaderboard feature anymore, as a result of customer feedback. We hope this helps, and that you continue to enjoy our puzzles.
"At the Telegraph we appreciate customer feedback, your opinion on this matter will be passed on and if there are numerous contacts and we believe it is in the customers best interests to bring it back, that change may be made.
"Yours sincerely,
Customer Engagement
The Telegraph Subscriptions Team."
So if enough of us moan, and threaten to cancel our subscriptions, there is the suggestion that - yet again - the ivory tower will listen to its customers. Worth trying, I'd have thought - after all, we won a couple of years ago.