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30th September 2010, 19:53
Karen, red wine usually works for me!! Unfortunately, I can't drink alcohol at present due to the pain-killers. I did suggest Polish vodka (!!) in hospital but I don't think it went down too well with my consultant and the ward sister!! Have a good weekend.
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30th September 2010, 20:25
Hi Nimrod, I'm a white wine girl myself,although I did have a rather nice glass of Merlot last night! Perhaps your 'staff' on ward didn't have much of a sense of humour! Hope you can forgive my errors today. I seem to have slipped up more than once!Karenx
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30th September 2010, 21:01
One of my two 'kids' - my son, Adam - has submitted his thesis for his PhD today and I was curious to know many words - 77,782!

Incidentally, Nimrod, I don't drink now - 13 years of abstinence [drink only] - so I'm not tempted to try Polish vodka again. I think that it was Dean Martin who said that he felt sorry for people who didn't drink because, when they woke up in the morning, that was as good as they were going to feel for the rest of the day...
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30th September 2010, 21:07
Now I know I'm really,really thick. What does 77,786 mean?
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john (from arran)

30th September 2010, 22:00
Errrm, it was 77,782 and it was the number of words in the PhD thesis. You are in a bad way today!

I, on the other hand, built half the wall around the pond I'm making; went out sea kayaking at 4pm; back at 6:30 to make lamb curry; consumed said curry with half a bottle of a nice Cabernet and am now off to watch the news.

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30th September 2010, 22:21
John, I'm beginning to wonder if you're multi-talented [and a polymath] but I suspect your inherent modesty will preclude your answering my musing!

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1st October 2010, 08:30
Acksherly, I think J(fromA) has committed a bigly gaffe, drinking wine with curry, unless it was so mild as not to count as a curry at all.... But as he's admirable in all other respects - tho' I've not checked this with MrsJ(fromA) - I guess we'll let it pass.
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1st October 2010, 14:25
Congratulations to Adam Caravaggio on completing his thesis with 77,782 words. What a marathon. He must be clever like his Dad.

Karen I was so thankful to get an explanation for both 8A and the American city that I did not notice the A substituted for E and I wasn`t even thinking in musical terms. With regard to the drunken sailors clue I have always heard that expression with the word `keep` at the start and not the word they are looking for.
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1st October 2010, 16:09
Hi all'
It is Friday again. Have most of 40 done,except 10a and the drunken sailor. See hundreds of versions - none fitting 3,1,4,4
Hope I don't spoil anyone still working (as I usually on p.m. Friday
Be good
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1st October 2010, 16:11
Hi again
That sequence is 3,1,5,4
Sorry - wrong key (again)
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