Thanks for all your entries this weekend. It looks like bigblind has forgotten to vote, but it's time to sum up.
I've taken spike's vote for jimmy as #14, rather than #24. The final tally is;
1 vote for paul 5&7, jimmy 14, FJ 17
2 votes for chrise 3, jono 4&11, paul 6&9, spike 26
3 votes for bigblind 13, FJ 18
Bronze, with 5 votes, goes to Geeker 2
“Prompt agent takes siesta. (6) “
Jono's 10 gained 6 votes for silver
“We left out newspaper for recycling by bargain hunter? (7) “
This week's winner, with 9 votes, is spike 23 with a jaunty quadruple definition
Fly off the handle? Blow your top? Lose your cool? You get the picture (4)
Well done, spike! Here are your prizes;
Some brief music