Quite a foreigner-unfriendly theme; I'd heard of 2 of the 11. Still trying to track one down; without giving too much away, Google gives me a person whose last name sounds just like, but is not spelled the same way (as per Wikipedia) as the theme word. Is that close enough or do I need to keep looking?
I know which one you mean, Buddy as I wondered about that too. There is a person on IMDb who has a 6-letter surname which is thematic and spelled correctly. He appeared in something called Winterstoke House. It's pretty obscure but it's the only one I can find.
Keep looking if it's the one from the comedy series you're thinking of (and a foreigner as regards the overall theme).
I've got one very obscure member (to me) but it fits the bill and, possibly, The Guardian's diversity rules.
Yes, the 9-letter one fits with the Grauniad's diversity rules (if I've guessed it right) but that one fits a similar but different category to the one I'm thinking of.