Are there really physicists on the forum? I'm not one, but like to read on the subject and took some university courses back in ancient times. Expected my string theory clue to be a non-starter due to esoteric GK.
I`m fairly certain a number of forum members have a background in science - I like to read about black holes, dark matter/energy etc. The math might be beyond me but I can understand the concepts.
Unlike Hubble the James Webb Telescope will not orbit the Earth - instead it will be `parked` at L2 (Lagrange) so will orbit the Sun in tandem with Earth. This clip explains the JWT mission for anyone who might be interested ...
As far as I know Jimmygtal lectures in physics but hasn’t been around recently. Roz on 225 actually works on the JWST program. My degree is in physics but please don’t ask me any technical questions. Then we have ChrisE for chemistry and Mathprof, well that’s one obvious. Who did I miss? ;-)
Thanks, tyke and jono. I thought string theory was a reasonable reference, but the Ed Witten reference perhaps too specialized. I once read a book (The Elegant Universe) by clip #2's Brian Greene.