I was going to say that this was a DNF because I hadn't got 48a but I then, just as I'd finished typing I had a PDM - hurrah 😀
This is actually the first Maskarade I've done (I think) but, I always read the threads, and so I don't think this puzzle is as difficult as many of his others have been - that's not to say its easy though.
If you do get stuck there are several long anagrams and, if you're looking for a good place to start, I recommend 3d, 6d and 18a.
There are still a few parsing I'm unsure about - even with the Special Instruction ....
10d - I can't see where the 3rd letter comes from or if it's even cryptic?
36d - All the letters are given by wordplay but the answer looks like it's a ......
2d - I see the wordplay but what's the definition?
Other that that there is some Latin, some films and cities. and that rarest of all clues - an uncontentious homophone 😂
Please feel free to leave your thoughts and, as always, if you get stuck, don't hesitate to ask for a hint.
Thanks to Maskarade for a challenging but most enjoyable puzzle.
Stay safe:-)