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Crossword Help Forum
Forum Rules


10th December 2021, 15:57
This thread is aimed at solvers who're struggling a bit and could do with slightly more help than is given on the 'Gentle Hints' thread.

When asking for help, please give the clue itself, the number of letters and details of any you already have.*

Nudges towards the theme may also feature here, but only in response to requests. 'Nudges' is tricky to define exactly - something helpful that doesn't reveal too much would be ideal!

*The Listener sometimes involves special instructions to the clues - ignoring letters, ignoring wordplay, jumbling answers before entry and so on. In these cases, a clue on its own might not be useful for those without a copy but keen to help.

NB. From earlier Admin posts, quoting a regular Forum member

"The Listener is not meant to be a doddle. The average Listener will take three hours or more, a difficult one far longer. To ask for help before three hours has been spent on a puzzle is unreasonable in my opinion."
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norah (admin)

10th December 2021, 16:00
I have taken on board all the comments relating to having an Answers Thread and have decided to discontinue it as from this week. We have reverted back to the two usual threads, the Hints and Extra Help ones.
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