Weekend Peer Review 104
104 has 8 divisors… 1, 2, 4, 8, 13, 26, 52 and 104. As 8 is one of those divisors, 104 is a refactorable or ‘tau’ number.
Also, as the ‘prime’ factors of 104 add up to 15, as do the ones of 105, those two numbers form a ‘Ruth-Aaron pair’. The next such pair is 153 & 154. The name Ruth-Aaron derives from the pair of numbers 714 & 715 which correspond to Hank Aaron's record-breaking 715th home run in 1974, which broke Babe Ruth's earlier record of 714. Having previously set ‘cricket’ I was pleased to find a baseball reference.
I digress…
Welcome to our weekend competition to compose a cryptic clue to be judged by your fellow contestants.
You may enter as many clues as you like, and everyone is welcome, particularly new entrants. Feel free to explain your clue. if you think it will help, or to ask another entrant to parse their clue.
Chat is welcome, but please don't comment on the merit of a particular clue prior to voting.
Clues should be posted before noon (UK time) on Sunday, October 31st when voting opens. Voting closes at 8pm (UK time) the same day.
The winner of this week's competition will be the host for the following weekend. He or she may vary the rules or the voting system.
This weekend's challenge is:-
Weekend rules: Each entrant has six votes to allocate across any of one to six clues (no fractional votes allowed). For example, the allocation might be 3/2/1 for the top 3 clues, and many other allocations are possible. In the event of a tie, the number of first place votes will be taken into consideration (if those are equal, 2nd place votes, etc).
Have fun and good luck!