I have copied and pasted Penda's enquiry from a duplicate thread. I have been known to delete duplicate threads but I decided to copy and paste as Penda was so polite in thanking Malone in every answer, well done Penda. I have emailed you.
Post in duplicate thread by Penda
Hi Just finished this crwd
23dn (Public upset when vase goes missing (5)
Surely OVERT but can someone please parse.
Reply by Malone
This should really be on the other thread - but it's late,so
Take off a three letter vase, from a word meaning Upset, verb - Overt??
Reply by Penda
Thank you Malone -- Being a casual vagrant I dont quite get this other thread business. What am I supposed NOT to do?
Once again -- thanks
Reply by Malone
Thanks, Penda/THEA(o)...
The 'other thread' business just means looking at the main page, what you see when you come to the Forum. If there's already a query for Times 1234, you just add your query there. It saves having three threads on Times 123, Guardian 456 and so on... that makes it all quite cluttered and confusing.