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18th September 2010, 10:00
A good workout this morning. I thought some of the clueing was a bit strange particularly 13a; but 29a was delightful.
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18th September 2010, 11:02
Hi Sophie

I agree, enjoyed this one as I usually do with Brummie.
Re 13ac - I thought this was very neat; did you pick up on 'rocks' being an anagram indicator?
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18th September 2010, 11:09
His version of the 14 and 10ac is obviously different from mine. I presume he means 13d, but I've never heard it so.
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18th September 2010, 11:31
Yes AJT - I'm with you - my version includes "slugs" not 13d!
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18th September 2010, 11:42
Thanks very much JS- it's so glaringly obvious now and really very skilful.

My googling came up with "snips" for 13d although my recollection was "slugs" too.
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18th September 2010, 11:43
Yes, I spent a little while looking for houseless snails. I did vaguely remember the word for a sword holder. I usually find Brummie difficult so this was rather gentle. One online version of the rhyme had snakes!
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18th September 2010, 12:04
Yes Clevertask and any of these possibilities would have at least supported consistency in the use of alliteration whereas the answer doesn't.
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18th September 2010, 12:11
Ah, yes. I hadn't thought of that. Mind you I'd rather be composed of amphibian than gastropod.
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18th September 2010, 12:17
And with that there's always a chance that a kiss might change you into a prince.
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18th September 2010, 12:24
My wife and I were debating the injustice of the ingredient lists; she contended however that it redressed the balance of criticism that the fair sex suffers.
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