Post in a thread by Kasseistamper which I felt needed reading by a wider audience, thanks Kasseistamper for raising the point.
“Why is it essential to give details of the crossword one is asking about?
If I am asking for help in parsing an answer, how does it help if I say that it is from 'The Telegraph Big Book of Cryptic Crosswords 6' and the puzzle on page 143?
I live ouside the UK so all the English language puzzles that I solve are from books of puzzles rather than from newspapers or magazines.”
Kasseistasmper, you have a valid point for our Forum Users from abroad, I would say though that the majority of our Users are UK residents as are the majority of the crosswords we cover. Individual users follow different crosswords and it is far easier for them to look down the list on the first page to pick out the crossword in which they are interested in and just ignore the rest.
Having said that, I do not wish to preclude any of our Forum Users from overseas and in those cases I suggest a short title saying, in your particular case, “Telegraph Book of Cryptic Crosswords”. That is all that is needed in the heading, further details can be given in the post such as
“Page 43, 6 down - or whatever it is
Parsing ESCHEW
I have based on letters from other answers: E?C?E?
The clue is: Key cut to abstain from (6)
The word I can think of is: ESCHEW.
I have trouble parsing the answer.
Key = E
Cut = CHEW
How does the S add to the parsing? Or is my answer wrong?”
Hopefully, someone will have that particular book and be able to help you, perhaps they would have a better idea if the answer is wrong if they could see the other clues in their own book.
What I am trying to do is get away from headings which say, Help Please, Explanation Wanted, What Does this Mean, they annoy our Users and someone usually emails me about such threads.
As Chris says, if the puzzle is identified it makes it easier to avoid posting duplicate threads on the same puzzle. In the case of a book, all queries from the same book could go in one thread, I doubt there would be many but it would keep them all together.
I’m trying to provide a Forum which helps as many Users as possible and at the same time looks neat and tidy with easily read concise headings.