I’d like to comment on a lot of these but am using my little phone. Several nice touches: paul’s Herr Grun, mathprof’s hurry after a promise, Jimmy’s fish course, the nifty subtractives from fiery and bigbad, the nut buddy’s striptease… I’ve settled on mattrom’s entry with its nice use of “stop”:
Wandering queen stops barbarian’s mass migration (7,3)
The herring run is truly an amazing event. My grandmother went to one (well inland) every year and came home with a keg of fish for pickling (another vanishing cyclic custom). I don’t know how it was determined that every herring returns to the place of its birth. I assume it’s true and am filled with wonder. The prize is just a clip about one of these runs south of here in Maine.
Thanks to all of you for participating. It’s always a pleasure to read your clever clues.