Bath Information and Data Services (BIDS)
BIDS is the best known bibliographic service for the academic community in the UK. BIDS also provides access to the ingentaJournals full text service, both directly and also through links from database search results.
Our mission is to provide, on a not-for-profit basis, the highest possible level of service to allow UK Academic institutions and their members access to bibliographic data, scholarly publications and research data. Launched in 1991, BIDS is believed to have been a world first - a national service providing widespread network access to commercially supplied bibliographic databases, free at the point of delivery.
BIDS performs an important role in the information strategy of the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Councils (JISC), and is one of three data centres funded by the JISC, along with MIMAS (located at Manchester University) and EDINA (located at Edinburgh University).
BIDS is managed by Ingenta on a fully accountable and not-for-profit basis. A major benefit of the relationship with ingenta is the seamless access for BIDS users to well over 5,000 full-text electronic journals.